About Me

RASMEY ANGKOR IS FRESH, DELICIOUS ANS MAY CREATE DEPENDENCY. WE ENCOURAGE THIS BEHAVOIR! Apportez Votre Vin ! Our vision of success is to exceed your expectations by offering an interesting variety of authentic Thai foods prepared and served by well trained, motivated staff. The perfect ingredients for truly memorable meal ! Rasmey Angkor is a must try that will make you feel as though you are wandering the streets of Bangkok! At Rasmey Angkor, we are committed to achieving customer satisfaction by providing a pleasant atmosphere as as courteous and timely service. Enjoy!!!


SOUPE PHNOM PENH              2.75
soupe au riz, poulet, citron

SOUPE HANOI                            2.75
soupe au vermicelle, boeuf, citron
SOUPE BANGKOK (Fort)          2.75
soupe au cari, vermicelle, salade, citron, arachide
SOUPE SAIGONNAISE              2.75
soupe wonton, assaisonnée de crevettes

SOUPE RAYALE                         2.75
soupe au crabe (blanc d'oeuf)

SOUPE TOM YAM (Fort)            2.75
Soupe aux pâtes Tom Yam avec champignons,
pousses de bambou, céleri, ananas, fèves germées et poivrons